Local Time
- Timezone: Europe/Paris
- Date: Nov 06 2023 - Dec 11 2023
- Time: All Day

TezMas 2023
The #Tezmas23 contest encourages artists to create NFTs inspired by the Parol. A total of $1600 worth of tez will be given as rewards.
TezMas 2023 Theme: Parol
This season, the focus is on the iconic Filipino Christmas decoration — the Parol, also known as the Christmas Lantern. Shaped like a star, this adornment shines as a symbol of hope and joy throughout the holiday period. Furthermore, the lantern is recognized worldwide as a hallmark of the Christmas celebration.
Submissions open from November 6 to December 11, 2023
Places to stay up to date:
- X: https://twitter.com/TezosPHL
- X Thread with all details for the event: https://x.com/TezosPHL/status/1721467735165804604