Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 21 - 25 2024
- Time: All Day

Soft Mutations Exhibition | Open Call
OBJKT, Artverse Gallery and Blueshift Gallery invite artists to share their portfolio and join the “Soft Mutations” IRL exhibition and NFT drop to celebrate the Wildlife Conservation Day and imagine a multi-species future.
Find more about the open call here!
In brief:
▫️Apply by October 25, 11:59 pm UTC
▫️Submit 3 to 10 images of past works or a link to your portfolio
▫️1 artist will be selected
▫️ applications only through this form 👉🏼 https://tinyurl.com/2h3usyce
Once selected, the artist must submit one new artwork by November 15th to be included in the “Soft Mutations” exhibition at ArtVerse Gallery in Paris, and join the NFT drop on the http://objkt.one gallery.