Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Apr 18 - 21 2024
- Time: All Day

Community art event to celebrate the creativity and talent in the space, in an inclusive way!
✨Are you ready for the third OBJKT4OBJKT?✨
Participation is very simple:
▫️ mint a piece (don’t overmint!)
▫️ large edition or OE
▫️ on any Tezos platform (main are @objktcom, @TeiaCommunity and @fx_hash_)
▫️ for free or low price (between 0.1 and 1 tezos)
We also welcome artists from outside the community and other chains!
It’s a great way to start on Tez.
Let’s party together 🥳🎉🎉🎉