Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 01 - 27 2023
- Time: All Day

Mint a Witchez and/or DW Demonz and win!
Mint a Witchez and/or Demonz and enter a super raffle where everyone will win something, and the prize pool is worth over 150 tez!
Top Prizes include:
- The Skulker, by Des Lucrece
- Witch #616 – w/Octopus familiar
- The Witch, by Erica Linhares
Places to stay up to date:
- Website Witchez (Mint): https://witchez.xyz/
- Website Demonz (MInt): https://dwdemonz.xyz
- X Witchez: https://twitter.com/witchez_xyz
- X Demonz: https://twitter.com/Dwdemonz_xyz
- Collection Witchez: https://objkt.com/collection/witchez
- Collection Demonz: https://objkt.com/collection/dark-wheel-demonz