TTC x @retro_manni – AMA with the creator of Retro Man

Join this Space on X hosted by NirvanaPissandro and RubisCO for a discussion with Retro Manni about his Retro Man Universe, art creation process and more! This is a community call, so feel free to request to speak as well! Set your reminder here! Places to stay up to date: X Discord HubPage
TTC x Ottez Raft: AMA with TaterSack and YoeshiLabs

Join this Space on X hosted by NirvanaPissandro and RubisCO for a discussion with TaterSack & YoeshiLabs about Ottez and the newly created $OTTEZ token by the Ottez Raft! And we have a gift for those attending! This is a community call, so feel free to request to speak as well! Set your reminder here! […]
OttezRaft secret Santa party

The OttezRaft secret Santa party will take place on Tuesday 9th January 9 PM UTC in the Ottez Discord. Everyone welcome! Link to Ottez Discord