Tezos Art and Creativity with Rexflexasaurus

Join Varras and Alphi as they host a discussion with FlexasuarusRex La Creme. We’ll discuss the many different creator sides of Flex, from Flex the artist to Flex the Tez Vending Machine creator! Feel free to send us questions via DM or comments on Twitter/X. X: https://twitter.com/_Varras X: https://twitter.com/cheapbitcoinart X: https://twitter.com/Rexflexasaurus
Tezos Art and Creativity with ShillyPreston.tez

Join Varras and Alphi as they host a discussion with the one and only ShillyPreston.tez! We’ll discuss how Shilly Preston started out in Tezos as a collector and how they became the impressive artist we know today. Feel free to send us questions via DM or comments on Twitter/X. X: https://twitter.com/_Varras X: https://twitter.com/cheapbitcoinart X: https://twitter.com/shillypreston