Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 10 - 14 2024
- Time: All Day

A New Tez Event is coming!
We’ve all been missing out on earning tez from sharing our favorite art. Let’s fix that!
@RetroManni and @Limbouniverse have teamed up again to bring you #Share4Tez
1. Mint on any Tezos platform, but must list on objkt. Use the hashtag #Share4Tez when minting.
2. Set the referral fee between 15% and 25%.
3. Minimum list price: 5xtz
4. Share your love of Tezos art & earn tez yourself by referring other pieces from the #Share4Tez event! Use the SHARE button on Objkt to share your favorite pieces on X or the purple app!
Earn from selling & from sharing art! Sit back and watch the tez roll in…