Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 04 - 18 2024
- Time: All Day

Oxford 2 Tezos Protocol Proposal AMA with @LabosNomades and @trilitech
Announcing the Oxford 2 Protocol Proposal AMA!
Join the AMA session in Agora, focusing on the features & changes included in the Oxford 2 protocol proposal, currently undergoing Tezos’ on-chain governance process.
📅 Ask your questions before Jan 11th
✍🏼 http://bit.ly/47obNhn
Nomadic Labs and Trilitech engineering teams will respond asynchronously throughout the upcoming week.
As a reminder, the key contributions of Oxford 2 are:
- Refinements of Tezos PoS: new slashing rules and a novel automated auto-staking mechanism for bakers.
- New design and implementation of Timelocks, that were temporarily deactivated in a previous protocol upgrade.
- Introduction of “private” Smart Rollups, allowing developers to choose between permissionned or permissionless deployments.