Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Apr 05 2024
- Time: 18:00 - 19:30

@chainborngame goes live
ChainBorn goes live on Friday, April 5th at 22 UTC
We’re very excited about this. It might be our first try but hopefully it won’t be the last! We imagine it as a fun gathering of the Heroes of Pax Timor – finding the strongest amongst them. And all of this with our very own commentator, Rick Kitagawa the Maniac.
In order to decide the size of the tournament, we’ll “demand” a check-in of all participants in our Discord prior (so: 21:50 UTC) the start, so that we can make sure everyone is ready when it starts. But for now 8 Heroes were brave enough to say yes to this adventure!
The requirements to enter the tournament will be as follows:
- Entry fee: 1 xtz
- Max Health/Strength combined: 250 xp
- Items allowed: yes
And of course, there will be prizes as well:
3.4 – 13 xtz (depending on the final size of the tournament), 999 $LEG, Sturdy Raf Cloth (item), Potion of Health (150)
777 $LEG, Axe of Death (item), Potion of Health (150)
333 $LEG, Potion of Health (150)
–> As in the prior tournaments, the third place will be determined by the sum of their attacks in the whole tournament.
We’ll be streaming the tournament in our Stage Channel in our Discord server. Every battle will happen one at a time – the order will be decided after all participants joined the tournament.
Let’s make this a fun event! And in this manner: if you’re struggling to get your Hero in a good range to compete in the tournament, then reach out in the Discord – we’re pretty sure, we can get everyone where they need to be together.
And one last advice: don’t forget to equip your potions!
We’ve also published an article about it on XTZ News, read it here.