Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 26 - 27 2025
- Time: 08:00

@BosqueGracias Online Art Residency Stream | Stop Fires in Patagonia
This SUNDAY 26 JAN we are going to STREAM an Online Art Residency. 73 houses were burn in our comunity in Epuyen, and we are going to donate with art to re-build the houses. This is a way to help families and old people that are living in tents right now.
YOU can participate:
- List and split a donation to our communal wallet tz1YGNPgmkbFaaDb4rDmUNBQBxo9A6gTc8KE
- You can mint your work in our collection “STOP FIRES IN PATAGONIA” (we send U invite)
- Collecting the artwork, as 100% of the funds raised will go to the affected families.
- Spread this initiative in your networks to reach more people.
More about the idea in the recorded space, please listen to it here.