Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Apr 28 2024 - May 03 2024
- Time: All Day

Banner Contest โ Public Vote Phase
๐ฃ Calling all tezonians to vote for their favorite banners!
Artists & creatives answered the call “WE NEED A BANNER for the @TezosEvents X profile” and delivered awesome banners… Now it’s the community time to vote!
- Go to https://thetezos.com/banner-contest to view all the eligible entries.
- Click/tap vote and choose the 5 banners you think should be featured at the Tezos Events Calendar profile at X.
๐๏ธ1 vote = 1 entry into a raffle for 20 tez! ๐Yes, you can also win a prize just for voting!
10 most voted banners move to the next phase
โณPublic Vote closes at 23:59UTC on May 3rd!
TTC built this Tezos Event Calendar and automated the X profile @TezosEvents to promote all the events submitted by the community. Now itโs time to have some awesome Banners that represent the community-sourced service we are all building together here at TTC’s Hubpage.
Vote! Participate! And good luck on the raffle!